What is success? Who are the Successful??? Being told that you getting a great job? A good raise? Being Rich? Allah (swt) says (interpretation of the meaning is): - "....Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden, will have indeed been successful]" (Aal-Imran 3:185) The Messenger of Allah S.A.W. gave Glad Tidings of Jannah to some of His companions while they were still alive; SubhaanAllah!!! Is there any better success? Can there be any one more successful? Apart from the Prophets they surely are THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE OF ALL TIME! Allah says in Quran (interpretation of the meaning is…) "And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhajiroon (the Emigrants from Makkah) and the Ansar (the citizens of Al-Madeenah who helped the Muhajiroon) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success." [9:100] Allah says He will be pleased with “those who followed them…” so these are people we should read and learn about and how they lived that Prophet S.A.W. said they will be in Jannah!
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