Sunnah is one of the laws in Islam, where an act or worship, if done, will be rewarded and if left innocent. Sunnah prayer is highly recommended by Rasulullah SAW because the prayer of sunnah comes from the hadiths of the Prophet. Sunnah prayer is an additional prayer to complete the fardhu/daily prayer which is the five times that Rasulullah SAW always done.
“And establish the prayer (at the) two ends (of) the day and (at) the approach of the night. Indeed, the good deeds remove the evil deeds. That (is) a reminder for those who remember.” (Surah Hud 11:114)
Here is presented the types of Sunnah prayer in Islam.
1. Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha Prayer
The number of raka’at in the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha prayer are 2 raka’at. In the first raka’at, perform takbir 7 times, before reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, and on the second raka’at takbir 5 times before reciting Surah Al-Fatihah.
Ibn Abbas Ra said: “I pray Eid al-Fitr with Rasulullah SAW and Abu Bakr and Umar, he all performed the prayer before the sermon.” (HR Iman Bukhari and Muslim)
2. Sun and Moon Eclipse (Khusuf) Prayer
The number of raka’at in the sun and moon eclipse prayer, are two raka’at. By reciting Al-Fatihah four times, ruku ‘four times and prostrate four times on the first raka’at after ruku’ and i’tidal recite Surah Al-Fatihah again, then continue ruku ‘once again, and i’tidal again Then kneel as usual. Then in the second raka’at also do the same as in the first raka’at.
“The sun and moon are two signs of the greatness of Allah. Allah feared His servants with both. The eclipse of the sun is not due to the death of a person or his birth. So when you see that, then pray for the completion of the eclipse. “(HR Bukhari)
3. Istisqa Prayer
The istisqa prayer consists of two raka’at which is done to beg for rainfall. Istisqa prayer law is sunnah muakkad for those affected by the scarcity of water to drink and other necessities.
Then I said, “Ask forgiveness (from) your Lord. Indeed, He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send down (rain from) the sky upon you (in) abundance, and provide you with wealth and children, and make for you gardens and make for you rivers.” (Surah Nur 71:10-12)
4. Rawatib Prayer
Rawatib Prayer is a Sunnah prayer done before and after fardhu prayer (daily 5 times prayer). Rawatib prayer done before fardhu prayer called Qobliyah prayer while Rawatib prayer done after praying the fardhu prayer called Ba’diyah Prayer.
“Whoever does the 12 raka’at prayers (sunnah rawatib) a day and a night, will be awakened for him home in heaven.” (HR Muslim No. 728)
5. Hajat Prayer
Hajat prayer is sunnah prayer done for the intention (desire/needs) Allah granted. Hajat which is meant here is the Hajat justified Islamic law, both in the form of protection and achievement. This prayer is done several times, usually up to 7 nights in a row.
“Who performs wudhu and perfect it, then pray two raka’at (Hajat prayer) and perfect its raka’at then Allah give what he asked sooner or later” (HR Ahmad)
6. Tahajud Prayer
Tahajud prayer is sunnah prayer done at night, starting after isya until dawn or before dawn, and after sleep, although sleep is only briefly, this is in accordance with the meaning contained in the meaning of “Tahajud” that is “Awake from Sleep”. So the requirement to perform tahajud prayer is “to have slept before”. The Law of Prayer Tahajud is the Mu’akkad sunnah which is highly recommended because according to the hadith, the most basic prayer prophet is done after fardhu prayer is tahajud prayer. The number of raka’at is at least 2 raka’at and maximum unlimited.
“And from the night arise from sleep for prayer with it (as) additional for you; it may be that will raise you your Lord (to) a station praiseworthy.” (Surah Al-Isra 17:79)
7. Istikharah Prayer
The istikharah prayer is the Sunnah prayer of two raka’at to ask Allah for a better choice between two things that can not be determined either. That is if a person is of a position and aspires to work a purpose, while he is hesitant to make his choice, whether to do or not, to take it or not.
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam taught us istikharah in every affair we face as he taught us a surah from the Qur’an. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: “If one of you faces problems then ruku’ (prayer) two raka’at which is not obligatory prayer.” (HR Al Bukhari No. 1162)
8. Dhuha Prayer
Dhuha Prayer is sunnah prayer which is done when Dhuha which is the time when the Sun begins to rise about 7 since its rising (about seven o’clock in the morning) to the time of Zuhr. The number of raka’at is at least 2 raka’at and maximum 12 raka’at and done in units of 2 raka’at once greetings.
“Whoever prays Dhuha four raka’at before, then he will be built a house in the heaven.” (Shahih al-Jami`: 634)
9. Taubat Prayer
Taubat prayer is sunnah prayer is done as repentance to Allah for the sins we have done. Taubat prayer is also a form of expression of our regret to Allah and as a statement that we will return to obedience and will not commit sin.
“And those when they did immorality or wronged themselves – they remember Allah then ask forgiveness for their sins – and who (can) forgive the sins except Allah? And not they persist on what they did while they know.” (Surah Al-Imran 3:135)
10. Tahiyatul Masjid Prayer
Tahiyatul mosque prayer is the 2 raka’at prayer that is done when entering the mosque, as a form of respect to the mosque. Because the mosque includes Baitullah (House of Allah), it is necessary a form of respect. This is in accordance with the meaning contained in the word “Tahiyyatul Mosque” is “respect for the mosque”.
“If one of you enters the mosque, then let him pray two raka’at before he sits.” (HR Al-Bukhari 537 and Muslim No. 714)
11. Wudhu Prayer
Wudhu prayer is a prayer performed after completion of wudhu. The procedure of performing the wudhu prayer is the same as the way of the fardhu prayer, only the intention alone distinguishes it.
“Rasulullah SAW said to Bilal: Tell me what charity do you expect in Islam because I hear the sound of your two sandals in heaven? Bilal replied: There are no deeds of worship that I most wish besides every I perform wudhu both day and night I always pray afterward as much as I like “. (HR Bukhari)
12. Corpse Prayer
Corpse prayer is a prayer that does not need ruku ‘and kneels. All we do is stand, takbir four times with some readings and certain prayers then greetings.
“Whoever attends the corpse to the point of worshiping it, then he gets a qirath, and whoever witnesses it goes to the grave, then gets two qiraths”. Asked, “What is meant by the two qiraths? “He replied,” Like two great mountains. ” (HR Muttafaq ‘alaih)
13. Mutlaq Prayer
Mutlaq prayer is a Sunnah prayer that can be done without requiring any cause and anytime except for times that are forbidden to pray. The number of raka’at prayers is absolutely up to us and can be 1 raka’at, 2 raka’at, 3 raka’at, and so on.
14. Awwabin Prayer
Awwabin prayer is sunnah prayer done between Maghrib and Isya. The time between Maghrib and Isya is usually ignored. Therefore, we are commanded to return to Allah (“awwabiin”) at the time of neglect, by doing this prayer between Maghrib and Isya, either through shalt, dhikr, reading tasbih, tahlil, tahmid, tamjid and reading Al-Quran.
“Whoever prays 6 raka’at after maghrib, on the sidelines do not speak dirty, then he gets the reward of worship for 12 years.” (HR Abu Hurairah)
15. Safar Prayer
Safar prayer is sunnah prayer done when going to travel as much as 2 raka’at and so when returning as much as 2 raka’at.
“If you come out of your house then do the two raka’at prayers that will keep you out of the ugliness that is outside the house. If you enter your house, then do the two raka’at prayers that will keep you from the ugliness that goes into the house. ” (HR Al-Bazzar, judged by Al-Albani)
16. Tasbih Prayer
Tasbih prayer is a sunnah prayer that is done as many as 4 raka’at by reading tasbih. The number of prayers are 300 times, with the details of each raka’at read 75 times. Tasbih prayer is very good if done every day, if not have time to carry it out every day, it may be every Friday or once a week, once a month, once a year or at least once in a lifetime.
17. Taraweeh Prayer
Taraweeh prayer is sunnah prayer after Isya’ prayer in the month of Ramadan. This prayer will double our rewards and merits after fasting.
“What is said by the Prophet Muhammad, both in Ramadan / the other are no more than 11 raka’at. “(H.R.Bukhari)
18. Witir Prayer
Witir prayer is sunnah Muakad prayer (recommended) which is usually done with tarawih prayer. Witir prayer contains 1, 3, 5, 7 to 11 raka’at.
“Witir is a right, then who likes to do 5, do it. Who likes to do 3, do it. And who likes 1, then do it. “ (H.R. Abu Daud and Nasai)
19. Hajat Prayer
Hajat prayer is sunnah prayer which contains 2 raka’at to beg for our intention granted/permitted by Allah SWT. The minimum of this prayer is 2 raka’at and maximal 12 raka’at with greetings every 2 raka’at.
“Whoever has an intention to Allah or to someone, then wudhu and make the wudhu better, then pray two raka’at, then praise Allah, read shalawat, on the Prophet SAW, and pray …” (HR Tirmidhi and Ibnu Majah)
20. Isyroq Prayer
Isyroq prayer is part of the Dhuha prayer that was done at the beginning of time. The time starts from the sun as high as a wave (15 minutes after sunrise) after previously doing Shubuh prayer in congregation.
“Whoever performs the Shubuh prayer in congregation then he sits while reciting Allah until the sun rises, then he performs the two raka’at prayers, then he is like getting the reward of Hajj and Umrah.” (HR Tirmidzi No. 586)
That’s all the types of sunnah prayer. Hope this article will give us benefits and always pray to Allah to stay by His side until the end of the life.